amazon/MistralLite cover image


MistralLite is a fine-tuned Mistral-7B-v0.1 language model, with enhanced capabilities of processing long context (up to 32K tokens). By utilizing an adapted Rotary Embedding and sliding window during fine-tuning, MistralLite is able to perform significantly better on several long context retrieve and answering tasks, while keeping the simple model structure of the original model.

MistralLite is a fine-tuned Mistral-7B-v0.1 language model, with enhanced capabilities of processing long context (up to 32K tokens). By utilizing an adapted Rotary Embedding and sliding window during fine-tuning, MistralLite is able to perform significantly better on several long context retrieve and answering tasks, while keeping the simple model structure of the original model.

amazon/MistralLite cover image

MythoMax 13b



Tweak the overall style and tone of the conversation by giving some 'master' instructions. (Default: Be a helpful assistant)

maximum length of the newly generated generated text.If not set or None defaults to model's max context length minus input length. (Default: empty, 1 ≤ max_new_tokens ≤ 100000)


temperature to use for sampling. 0 means the output is deterministic. Values greater than 1 encourage more diversity (Default: 0.7, 0 ≤ temperature ≤ 1)

Sample from the set of tokens with highest probability such that sum of probabilies is higher than p. Lower values focus on the most probable tokens.Higher values sample more low-probability tokens (Default: 0.9, 0 < top_p ≤ 1)

Sample from the best k (number of) tokens. 0 means off (Default: 0, 0 ≤ top_k < 100000)

Repetition Penalty

repetition penalty. Value of 1 means no penalty, values greater than 1 discourage repetition, smaller than 1 encourage repetition. (Default: 1, 0.01 ≤ repetition_penalty ≤ 5)

Up to 4 strings that will terminate generation immediately. Please separate items by comma

Presence Penalty

Positive values penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics. (Default: 0, -2 ≤ presence_penalty ≤ 2)

Frequency Penalty

Positive values penalize new tokens based on how many times they appear in the text so far, increasing the model's likelihood to talk about new topics. (Default: 0, -2 ≤ frequency_penalty ≤ 2)


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