The Deliberate Model allows for the creation of anything desired, with the potential for better results as the user's knowledge and detail in the prompt increase. The model is ideal for meticulous anatomy artists, creative prompt writers, art designers, and those seeking explicit content.
The Deliberate Model allows for the creation of anything desired, with the potential for better results as the user's knowledge and detail in the prompt increase. The model is ideal for meticulous anatomy artists, creative prompt writers, art designers, and those seeking explicit content.
text prompt
negative text prompt. (Default: empty)
Please upload an image file
Num Images
number of images to generate (Default: 1, 1 ≤ num_images ≤ 4)
Num Inference Steps
number of denoising steps (Default: 25, 1 ≤ num_inference_steps ≤ 512)
Guidance Scale
classifier-free guidance, higher means follow prompt more closely (Default: 7.5, 1 ≤ guidance_scale ≤ 20)
how much to follow the input image. 1 means ignore the image, 0 means follow the image exactly (Default: 0.8, 0 ≤ strength ≤ 1)
image width in px 13
image height in px 13
random seed, empty means random (Default: empty, 0 ≤ seed)
use compel library for weighted prompts 2
coefficient applied to lora weights (Default: 1)
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This model provides you the ability to create anything you want.
The more power of prompt knowledges you have, the better results you'll get.
It basically means that you'll never get a perfect result with just a few words.
You have to fill out your prompt line extremely detailed.
Dive into the perfect creations world with my prompts.
Your research will be appreciated, so feel free to show everyone, what you can get with this model