deepset/roberta-base-squad2-covid cover image


We present a RoBERTa-based question answering model called roberta-base-squad2 for extractive QA on COVID-19 related texts. The model was trained on the SQuAD-style CORD-19 annotations and achieved promising results on 5-fold cross-validation.

We present a RoBERTa-based question answering model called roberta-base-squad2 for extractive QA on COVID-19 related texts. The model was trained on the SQuAD-style CORD-19 annotations and achieved promising results on 5-fold cross-validation.

$0.0005 / sec


You can use cURL or any other http client to run inferences:

curl -X POST \
    -d '{"question": "Who jumped?", "context": "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."}'  \
    -H "Authorization: bearer $(deepctl auth token)"  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \

which will give you back something similar to:

  "answer": "fox",
  "score": 0.1803228110074997,
  "start": 16,
  "end": 19,
  "request_id": null,
  "inference_status": {
    "status": "unknown",
    "runtime_ms": 0,
    "cost": 0.0,
    "tokens_generated": 0,
    "tokens_input": 0

Input fields


question relating to context


question source material


The webhook to call when inference is done, by default you will get the output in the response of your inference request

Input Schema

Output Schema