emilyalsentzer/Bio_Discharge_Summary_BERT cover image


The Bio+Discharge Summary BERT model, initialized from BioBERT and trained on only discharge summaries from MIMIC, is described. The model was pre-trained using a rules-based section splitter and SentencePiece tokenizer, with a batch size of 32, maximum sequence length of 128, and learning rate of 5·10^-5 for 150,000 steps.

The Bio+Discharge Summary BERT model, initialized from BioBERT and trained on only discharge summaries from MIMIC, is described. The model was pre-trained using a rules-based section splitter and SentencePiece tokenizer, with a batch size of 32, maximum sequence length of 128, and learning rate of 5·10^-5 for 150,000 steps.

$0.0005 / sec

