text prompt
negative text prompt. (Default: empty)
Please upload an image file
Num Images
number of images to generate (Default: 1, 1 ≤ num_images ≤ 4)
Num Inference Steps
number of denoising steps (Default: 25, 1 ≤ num_inference_steps ≤ 512)
Guidance Scale
classifier-free guidance, higher means follow prompt more closely (Default: 7.5, 1 ≤ guidance_scale ≤ 20)
how much to follow the input image. 1 means ignore the image, 0 means follow the image exactly (Default: 0.8, 0 ≤ strength ≤ 1)
image width in px 13
image height in px 13
random seed, empty means random (Default: empty, 0 ≤ seed)
use compel library for weighted prompts 2
coefficient applied to lora weights (Default: 1)
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Include 'mdjrny-v4 style' in prompt. Here you'll find hundreds of Openjourney prompts
(Same parameters, just added "mdjrny-v4 style" at the beginning):