sentence-transformers/clip-ViT-B-32 cover image


The CLIP model maps text and images to a shared vector space, enabling various applications such as image search, zero-shot image classification, and image clustering. The model can be used easily after installation, and its performance is demonstrated through zero-shot ImageNet validation set accuracy scores. Multilingual versions of the model are also available for 50+ languages.

The CLIP model maps text and images to a shared vector space, enabling various applications such as image search, zero-shot image classification, and image clustering. The model can be used easily after installation, and its performance is demonstrated through zero-shot ImageNet validation set accuracy scores. Multilingual versions of the model are also available for 50+ languages.

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This is the Image & Text model CLIP, which maps text and images to a shared vector space. For applications of the models, have a look in our documentation - Image Search


In the following table we find the zero-shot ImageNet validation set accuracy:

ModelTop 1 Performance

For a multilingual version of the CLIP model for 50+ languages have a look at: clip-ViT-B-32-multilingual-v1